Explore an adaptation of Conway's Game of Life set in a dynamic digital garden. This version introduces unique zones and rules that alter cell behaviors, providing a fresh take on the classic cellular automaton.

Main Menu Options

Upon launching the game, you'll find yourself at the main menu with the following options:

  • Select Mode: Choose between "Random Simulation" and "Custom Simulation" to decide your starting point.
  • Enter Number of Generations: Specify how long the simulation will run by entering the desired number of generations.

Game Modes

Random Simulation Mode

  1. Standard: Experience the classic Conway's Game of Life with added visual flair. The grid populates randomly, creating an unpredictable start.
  2. Explosions: This variation introduces cells that explode, impacting their neighbors in a distinctive way. It adds a dynamic twist to cell reproduction and survival.
  3. Zone Activation: Opt to activate "Toxic" and "Friendly" zones for added complexity. Toxic zones increase cell mortality, while Friendly zones aid in cell survival.

Custom Simulation Mode

  1. Initialization: Use your mouse to manually place alive cells on the grid. This mode allows for personalized configurations, enabling you to create intricate patterns or simple starting points.
  2. Start Simulation: Press the space bar once you're satisfied with your configuration. The simulation begins, and your patterns evolve over the specified number of generations.

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